Book Review: Things We Do Not Tell the People We Love

Things We Do Not Tell the People We Love

by Huma Qureshi

Review by Rosa

An emotional wee short story collection, Things We Do Not Tell the People We Love articulates the impact of silence and biting your tongue in relationships whether they are romantic, platonic, familial or undefinable. Countless themes are conveyed through the experiences of characters from a variety of backgrounds: cultural and generational tensions, diaspora, friendships in all of their forms – intense, fleeting, long-lasting – endings and beginnings, gender, class, infertility, the shedding of your childhood skin, the desire to belong, to yearn for someone, and to discover your true self whether that be within a relationship or outside of one. Although all only short snapshots of complex scenarios, I feel as if everyone can find at least a slice of their life within one of these beautiful stories.