Book Review: The Navigating Fox

The Navigating Fox
By Christopher Rowe
Review by Mida

What a wonderful little story! A beautiful blend of fable and fairy tale, this lovely novella follows the titular Fox through a vibrant and magical world. Despite squeezing two narratives into its short length, it doesn’t feel rushed at all; if anything, you end up feeling the same hunger for exploration as our main characters as you only get a taste for the vibrant and mystical world they inhabit.

This book skips the exposition and gets straight into exploration, leaving you to ponder the implications of its foundations as it leaps into the unknown. While you won’t be caught off guard, this book has some more tender moments that will leave you philosophizing.

Like if you made Aesops Fables for adults, this is a perfect story for anyone who is looking for a little bit of whimsy. Perfect for fans of The Chronicles of Narnia, Howls Moving Castle and The Last Unicorn.