
When I Die: A Record of Personal Details and End of Life Planner

Perks, Kathryn Kathryn Kathryn, Perks (Author)


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3 in stock

When I Die’s Table of Contents includes:

Foreword and Guide to Completion
Personal identification (citizenship, marriage, spouse and parents’ details) needed for death certificate
Whether there is an existing Will and funeral plan
Who to notify and how (family, friends, legal and other professionals)
Bank accounts, regular payments, Kiwisaver, income from investments, other business interests
Property ownership
Insurance cover
Organ donation
Funeral planning – preference for body disposal, type of casket, funeral format, messages for loved ones,
cultural/religious traditions
My life story – reference for family or for use at funeral service
Distribution of personal items and gifts not included in Will
Social media accounts, online registrations, memberships and subscriptions
Borrowed items or items currently on loan
Extra pages for changes, additions

Format: Paperback
Imprint: Small New Zealand Publisher

ISBN: 9780473553326 Category: