
Nga Kare A-Roto Me Nga Ahua: Feelings and States Magnet Set

Ritchie, Isa Pearl


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From #1 Best-selling and award-winning author and illustrator of the Kuwi the Kiwi™ series, Kat Quin. Magnet Set – Nga Kare A-roto Me Nga Ahua (Feelings & States), in te reo Maori and English. From the #1 Best-selling Kuwi & Friends Maori Picture Dictionary – He Papakupu Whakaahua 2 x Magnets sheets with pop-out circle 45mm magnets – 47 magnets. Designed for everyday use, for the whanau, for the kura and for all New Zealanders. Ages 3-100+. English Text and Illustration by Kat Quin Te Reo Maori Translation by Pania Papa Na Kat Quin nga tuhinga reo Pakeha me nga whakaahua Na Pania Papa nga whakamaoritanga

Format: Paperback
Imprint: Te Ra Aroha Press
Publication date: 20/10/2020
Illustrator: Quin, Kat