
New Zealand South Island Te Wai Pounamu Aotearoa: Scale 1: 1 000 000 (20th edition) (Pathfinder)

Kiwimaps Pathfinder


18 in stock

18 in stock

New Zealand’s South Island at 1:1,000,000 on a touring map from the country’s leading map publishers, Kiwimaps, with a distance table and a small map showing travelling times. The index lists towns and cities, plus rivers/lakes/islands features, mountains/glaciers and recreational areas.

The road network emphasizes state highways and indicates tourist routes such as the Southern Scenic Route, Great Alpine Highway, etc. Main railway lines and ferry lines are includes and local airports and aerodromes are marked.

The base map has relief shading to show the topography, with plenty of names of mountain ranges, lakes and other geographical features. National Parks and protected areas are highlighted. The map has latitude and longitude margin ticks at 1º intervals. The index is on the reverse. Also included is a distance table and a small map showing traveling times.

Format: Map
Imprint: Kiwimaps
Series: Product number 111

ISBN: 9415871000416 Category: