
History of Aotearoa New Zealand A1 Wall Chart



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Four years ago, the first version of this infographic was created as a gift to a family member just beginning his career as a history teacher. At the time, it had a modest 12 themes and 200 events. After receiving a lot of encouragement, we decided to continue developing it with the goal of making it more widely available. Over time, we have added, edited, and refined, growing the infographic to the 22 themes and over 400 events it is today.

As with any version of history, the creation of this infographic has involved making decisions about what is significant and what to include. In deciding, we were guided by two questions: What are the major influences that have created Aotearoa in the 2020’s? And what are the important, but less well known, themes we could bring to people’s attention?

There will inevitably be stories, moments, individuals and communities that are over or under represented. However, we hope this will be a starting point for exploring our nation’s past. If it prompts you to go a bit deeper — to read King, Belich or Orange, explore an unknown theme, debate the events and people we’ve left off, or share your experiences and memories of events in your lifetime – it will have served its purpose.

Format: Art Print
Imprint: Small New Zealand Publisher

ISBN: 9789562009157 Category: