In the late 1980s, two teenage girls found refuge from a world of cosy conformity, sexism and the nuclear arms race in protest and punk. Then, drawn in by a promise of meaning and purpose, they cast off their punk outfits and became born-again Christians. Unsure which fate would come first – nuclear annihilation or the Second Coming of Jesus – they sought answers from end-times evangelists, scrutinising friends and family for signs of demon possession and identifying EFTPOS and barcodes as signs of a looming apocalypse.
Fast forward to 2021, and Rebecca and Maz – now a science historian and an engineer – are on a road trip to the West Coast. Their journey, though full of laughter and conversation and hot pies, is haunted by the threats of climate change, conspiracy theories, and a massive overdue earthquake.
End Times interweaves the stories of these two periods in Rebecca’s life, both of which have at heart a sleepless fear of the end of the world. Along the way she asks: Why do people hold on to some ideas but reject others? How do you engage with someone whose beliefs are wildly different from your own? And where can we find hope when it sometimes feels as if we all live on a fault line that could rupture at any moment?
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
Imprint: Te Herenga Waka University Press
Publication date: 12/10/2023
End Times
by Rebecca Priestley
Review by Livvy
I'm convinced that Rebecca Priestley is one of New Zealand's greatest minds and must be protected at all costs! She's wonderful! Her musings in End Times achieve a great balance of immeasurable intelligence and a deep empathy. Her adult anxieties around the pandemic and climate change are informed through her years of teenage angst and religion, presenting her life thus far as one full of experiences worth living and learning from. For fans of Rachel Kushner's The Hard Crowd and Joan Didion's Slouching Towards Bethlehem
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Christchurch Central City
Ph: (03) 379 2882
Five Lanes, The BNZ Centre
101-111 Cashel St
Christchurch Central City
Ph: (03) 741 3309