Reminiscent of Pete the Cat and Llama Llama, Dragonboy begins a new series about a curious, imaginative, playful little boy and his band of lovable stuffed animal friends, which Kirkus described as \”a charming journey of discovery, friendship, and acceptance.\”
Dragonboy is curious. He is playful, pensive, and kind. More than anything, he is himself: an imaginative little boy who loves to be a dragon. His stuffed-animal friends-Darwin, Yellow Kitty, Simon, and Drako-are always by his side as he explores and discovers something new. Because the best part of an adventure is being with the ones who know you best.
The first in a new series, Dragonboy is the friend every child has been waiting for, a little boy full of empathy and joy who’s ready to discover anything and everything our wonderful world has to offer.
Don’t miss the other books about Dragonboy:
Dragonboy and the Wonderful Night
Dragonboy and the 100 Hearts
Format: Paperback
Pages: 40
Imprint: Little, Brown Young Readers
Publication date: 05/05/2024
Five Lanes, The BNZ Centre
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Christchurch Central City
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Christchurch Central City
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