In Displaced, Russian journalist Valery Panyushkin chronicles the devastating impact of his country’s invasion of Ukraine. By uncovering the stories of ordinary Ukrainians thrust into the chaos of war, and transformed overnight from citizens into victims and refugees, Panyushkin sheds light on the brutal crimes committed by the Russian regime, and offers a necessary act of truth-telling and atonement.
Reporting from cities and villages across Ukraine, Panyushkin delves into individual lives shattered by conflict, illuminating the human cost of war beyond the battlefront. Through interviews with people from all walks of life, the book paints a vivid picture of the challenges, choices, and hopes of those caught in the turmoil of war.
Urgent and necessary, Displaced is not only a compelling account of loss and survival, but also a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a call for empathy and solidarity, and a Russian writer’s tribute to the courage of the Ukrainian people.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
Imprint: Europa Edns (US)
Publication date: 03/12/2024
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Christchurch Central City
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Christchurch Central City
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