An essential exploration of women’s sexuality that will radically transform your sex life into one filled with confidence and joy. After all the books that have been written about sex, all the blogs and TV shows and radio Q&As, how can it be that we all still have so many questions? The frustrating reality is that we’ve been lied to – not deliberately, it’s no one’s fault, but still. We were told the wrong story. Come As You Are reveals the true story behind female sexuality, uncovering the little-known science of what makes us tick and, more importantly, how and why. Sex educator Dr Emily Nagoski debunks the common sexual myths that are making women (and some men!) feel inadequate between the sheets. Underlying almost all of the questions we still have about sex is the common worry: ‘Am I normal?’ This book answers with a resounding yes! We are all different, but we are all normal – and once we learn this, we can create for ourselves better sex and more profound pleasure than we ever thought possible.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 400
Imprint: Scribe Australia
Publication date: 22/04/2015
Come As You Are
By Emily Nagoski
Review by Claudia
A fantastic book first published in 2015 and since revised in 2021. Don’t let the emphasis on women’s sexuality in the blurb throw you off, this is an informative read for all genders (Nagoski’s expertise just happens to be the former). This book breaks up information-focused chapters with case studies, so you can understand how the concepts apply to real people and their relationships. Nagoski reminds us that we are normal, not broken, and harmful ideas have been allowed to take root in our mental gardens but we can exercise our agency to pull them out and have happier sex lives. Fundamental reading for anyone interested in the Dual Control Model of Sexual Response (or brakes and accelerators). Read it sooner rather than later!
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Christchurch Central City
Ph: (03) 741 3309