
Bright Star: Beatrice Hill Tinsley Astronomer

Catley, Christine Cole


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Beatrice Hill Tinsley is a famous New Zealander we don’t yet know about. She is honoured in the United States and United Kingdom for her pioneering work in the origins of galaxies, the origins of the universe. She built on the work of Einstein and was chosen by Fred Hoyle to keynote the celebrations of his life. She showed astronomers new ways of looking, and taught teachers new ways of teaching. Her life and loves are captured in this first biography, a roller-coaster story of triumph over frustration, and an enduring legacy. Beatrice Hill Tinsley was a professor of astronomy at Yale University and only 40 when she died of cancer in 1981. A lover of nature and a conservationist, she idealised New Zealand. She was also a musician, a feminist, a battler for zero population growth and a champion of the oppressed. As this fully researched biography shows, her life is a fascinating study in the interaction of nature and nurture, genetics and environment. It is also an inspiring and unforgattable picture of a girl determined to be a scientist who grows up in provincial New Zealand and wins through to world renown. Christine Cole Catley is also the author of \”Springboard for Women\”.

Format: Paperback
Pages: 445
Publication date: 01/09/2006

ISBN: 9781877340017 Category: