



2 in stock

2 in stock

The award-winning word game that needs no pencil, paper or board. Fast and Fun! Great for Travel! Players race against each other to build crossword grids!

Contains 144 letter tiles, Instructions, More ways to play.
Ages 7-107
Players 1 to 8

Format: Board Game
Imprint: Various Boardgame Publishers

Staff review

Board game review: Bananagrams
Review by Sam
A great game for 2 to 8 players, and super fun for players of all ages! The rules that come with the game are simple and easy to follow, but the real fun comes with designing your own rules - the possibilities are endless. Highly recommended for groups of two as well, you'd be surprised how much fun you can squeeze out of such a simple premise.

ISBN: 856739001159 Category: Tag