If you think you know Vienna, think again. Vienna: Behind the facades – a personal journey is the story of Jenny Haworth’s life-long love affair with Vienna, a personal memoir that pulls back the curtainvand reveals the secrets of a city that once considered itself the centre of the world. The city is celebrated in all its beauty, its culturevand its grandeur, but shameful aspects of its pastvand its influential role on the world stage are also explored, stories that even today can make onevwonder how the city survived at all. This book is an absorbing read from a woman whovhas loved the city all her life but doesn’t flinch fromvgoing to the heart of Vienna and telling the truth aboutvit. Much more than a travel guide or a history book,vVienna: Behind the facades – a personal journeyvshows how this city emerged over the centuries andvbecame the seed bed for many of the best and thevworst of the ideologies and freedoms of the 20thvcentury. Vienna’s charm remains intact, but finally,valso, its full story is on show as well.
Format: Paperback
Imprint: Wily
Publication date: 01/05/2022
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