A group of young, alienated vampires known as \”bugs\” plot to steal a magical object from ancient monstrous vampires to turn themselves back to human. Along the way they uncover a sprawling monster underground, a top-secret plot run by the elder creatures, elite militant vampire slayers, and madness beyond imagining blocking their path to humanity.
Collects Operation Sunshine #1-#4 and additionally features a sketchbook section, and bonus pinups by David Aja, Kelley Jones, Eric Powell, James Stokoe, Ben Marra, and Malachi Ward.
From the New York Times-bestselling hosts of the hit The Last Podcast on the Left and Black Hammer’s David Rubin comes this all-new humorous and action-packed horror comic book series that’s Near Dark meets Ocean’s Eleven.
A group of young, alienated vampires known as \”bugs\” plot to steal a magical object from ancient monstrous vampires to turn themselves back to human. Along the way they uncover a sprawling monster underground, a top-secret plot run by the elder creatures, elite militant vampire slayers, and madness beyond imagining blocking their path to humanity.
Collects Operation Sunshine #1-#4 and additionally features a sketchbook section, and bonus pinups by David Aja, Kelley Jones, Eric Powell, James Stokoe, Ben Marra, and Malachi Ward.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
Imprint: Dark Horse US
Publication date: 30/07/2024
Five Lanes, The BNZ Centre
120 Hereford Street
Christchurch Central City
Ph: (03) 379 2882
Five Lanes, The BNZ Centre
101-111 Cashel St
Christchurch Central City
Ph: (03) 741 3309