

Hinerangi, Jessica


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Where is my tongue? On display, a trophy of war.
Where is my tikanga? Kept in the basement.
Where is my mana? Locked in the museum.
And where are my whanau? Scattered like dandelion seeds, from the grating city, to the harnessed horizon.
Drawing moko kauae on Barbies.
Reading Ranginui Walker in rahui.
Spitting on the statue of Captain Cook.

Aria is a first collection of poems by Jessica Hinerangi in which the author reconnects with her tupuna and with te ao Maori. He kakano ahau i ruia mai i Rangiatea a, ka tipu tonu. Tihei, mauri ora!

Jessica Hinerangi Thompson Carr is of Ngati Ruanui, Ngaruahine, Ngapuhi and Pakeha descent. Born in Otepoti, she has a degree in English and art history with a masters in Maori ekphrastic poetry. She is a poet, journalist and illustrator, working primarily on Instagram under the name @maori_mermaid. Her previous work has appeared in Landfall, Starling, The Big Idea and The Pantograph Punch.

Format: Paperback
Imprint: Auckland University Press
Publication date: 13/07/2023

Staff review

by Jessica Hinerangi
Review by Māia

An ode to spirited girlhood, takatapui dizziness and healing with community, Āria is full of poems that are loving, furious, sexy and wise. For anyone who is navigating contradicting identities, who longs for a missing part of themselves, who is devoted to taking back what is rightfully ours. Hinerangi's poetry tells a journey of reclamation that is so vulnerable and unshielded that it connects to all, touching and holding everything at once.

ISBN: 9781869409913 Category: Tag