

Porter, Max


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Things keep slipping up for Shy. All he wants is sex, spliffs and his own turntables, and for all the red noise in his mind to disappear. But again andagain he spirals past his senses and ends up with his head in his hands andcarnage around him.

You mustn’t do that to yourself Shy. You mustn’t hurt yourself like that.

He’s been kicked out of two schools, been cautioned, arrested, stabbed hisstepdad in the finger and bottled a former Tumble Tots playmate, but it’s thetaunts and teasing of his new schoolmates that haunt Shy.

Shy’s got no armpit hair / Shy needs fake ID to buy fags / Got your specialmeds, nutcase?

At Last Chance – a home for ‘very disturbed young men’ – he is surrounded bypeople who want to help him, but his night terrors aren’t getting any better.

The night is huge and it hurts.

So tonight he’s stepping into it, with the haunted beginnings of a plan.

Format: Hardback
Pages: 128
Imprint: Faber & Faber
Publication date: 06/04/2023

Staff review

by Max Porter
Review by Bel

Porter’s unique style is perfect for this story. His experimental, rhythmic prose is unbridled, vulgar and wild. He explores fumbling, awkward, unhinged masculinity – a teetering coming of age and coming back from the brink. The cacophony of Shy’s troubled mind builds to a fittingly strange yet ultimately heart-warming ending.

ISBN: 9780571377305 Category: Tag