Book Review: How The Pill Changes Everything

How the Pill Changes Everything
By Sarah E. Hill
Review by Kazia

Sarah E. Hill achieves with this book the impressive feat of being terrifying but not in a scare-mongering, fascinating in a gut-turning way, and somehow keeps it incredibly easy to understand for a book on biological and neurological processes. This is a book I wish I had access to as a teenager. I want to magically put this book in the hands of anyone who is on the pill, considering the pill, or even those who simply have loved ones on the pill. Hill expertly highlights all the things we should know about how birth control pills can affect us and does so with an enjoyable (in my opinion) number of bad jokes sprinkled in. This book champions the notion that we should all be empowered to make informed decisions about what is right for ourselves. I hope Hill’s work inspires others to dig into this important topic. An essential read!

For fans of This Won’t Hurt by Marieke Bigg.