Book Review: Good Omens

Good Omens
By Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Review by Mida

Caught in the middle of a war between angels and demons, a member from each side are trying to stop it. After bumping into each other for millennia, Crowley and Aziraphale are DEFINITELY NOT FRIENDS, but they do want to keep being able to enjoy humanity’s continued existence and the things that means- such as bookshops, music and fancy dinners. This is complicated somewhat by the fact that someone seems to have misplaced the Antichrist.

With a premise as absurd as this, it seems like a miracle that Good Omens manages to stick the landing. However, with names as big as its authors, it’s no wonder that it is such a hit. Beautifully vivid, with pitch perfect humour, characters that feel larger than life, and hilarious twists on tried-and-true tropes, this collab between fantasy giants does not disappoint. Once you pick it up, you won’t be able to put it down.