

Gecko, Barking


1 in stock

1 in stock

House is a stunning picture book that is a heart-felt tale of friendship and belonging.

House is the story of a lonely little house, all by itself in the world, without anyone to open its front door. House abandons its foundations and launches into the sky in search of a friend. From its aerial vantage it can see the whole world – and then, it comes across someone just like it; someone lonely; a child, all by herself in the middle of a storm. House whisks her away to safety, and as the lonely little girl slowly makes her way through each room, she discovers the wonders inside – the fantastical contraptions, the kitchen preparing anything you please, the periscope that lets you watch the world roll by down on the ground. House is a place of calm, of distraction, and of rest – the house is a friend to someone in need.

Format: Hardback
Pages: 1
Publication date: 01/10/2024

ISBN: 9781760994709 Category: